Rachel Chancellor RSHom
I am a Classical Homeopath registered with The Society of Homeopaths [SOH] after completing a 4 year training at The London College of Classical Homeopathy.
I now have 20 years experience in professional practise successfully treating and helping families and individuals with a diverse range of illnesses at clinics in West Sussex and Hampshire.
Homeopathy provides a complete system of medicine and is considered a viable alternative for treating many illnesses that conventional medicine and other therapies may not have been able to resolve. Homeopathy can boost your natural immunity and start a process of recovery for physical and emotional illnesses, both chronic and acute, in any age group.
If you would like to improve your health, reduce your prescriptions or address drug induced side effects then homeopathy may be a good route for you. You can take homeopathic remedies alongside other medication, during pregnancy and it is safe for infants and children as well.
An initial consultation will take up to 2 hours and a follow-up appointment is booked 5 weeks after this to assess your progress. Between these appointments I offer patient support via e-mail, Skype and telephone.
Read more about my services by visiting my website Rachels Homeopathy